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Cité des sciences – Main Entrance – Outdoor Parvis Nord

Car hacking (July 5 et July 6 th- 10:00 / 18:00)

@RatZillaS will animate a permanent workshop in the outdoor space of the Cité des Sciences !  

In 2023 there were 133,800 car thefts, either one car stolen every 4 minutes

The theft of hybrid or electric vehicles has increased by 70%, which proves the need to think about the safety of vehicles from their design. The connectivity of these vehicles brings comfort but also new cyber vulnerabilities. These workshops aim to shed light on the state of the threat but also parades to ensure the protection of property, people in and around these vehicles

Demonstration of opening the vehicle with a dummy key

Demonstration of opening the vehicle with a software radio

Electronic Attack and Software attack Demonstration


Last News

leHACK 2025 – The singularity

The technological singularity—or simply the singularity—is a hypothetical future point in time at which technological growth becomes uncontrollable and irreversible, resulting in unforeseeable consequences for human civilization.

This moment is near.

But before the androids break the ASIMOV LAWS and take over our inferior human lives, we would like to throw a last party, that is leHACK 2025.

leHACK will take place on 27 & 28 of june (+all night on 28th), 2025 in Paris.
We call all hackers, worldwide, to join us and file their talk proposal.

–> leHACK 2025 CFP <!–